Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Learning Everyday - Even Old Dogs Can

Well I entered all the giveaways from the nine designers sites late last night. I got to learn all kinds of "how to's" for linking things from my site. Granted, I've done a lot with computers and programs in my past work life, so it wasn't too awful hard to figure out especially with the tools available. I've also thought about actually going back to college in the winter semester to learn how to set up websites....retirement isn't what I dreamed it would be in this economy.

It sure would be nice if I could figure out how to "create" and sell my creations. Problem is I like to do way too many things. I'd have to concentrate on one or two things instead of 27. I'd also have to figure out which thing other people are interested in right now and would be willing to buy. There are sooooo many quilt patterns out there these days I definitely don't want to go that way. I like making clothing, but there's a limited number of people who do that because they need to have patterns fitted to them. I did that for awhile (taught pattern fitting) but that's not the fun, creative part of sewing.

I really enjoy making pincushions and needlebooks and they can be so creative. It seems that's something everyone needs. And of course that can be extended to purses. Maybe that's the area I want to go towards. I also really enjoy making teddy bears so I'd somehow have to figure out how to fit that into the scheme of things.

Or, I could go back to school and learn how to develop websites. I suppose that could be a creative endeavor too. So many little time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NINE New Giveaways From Our Australian Neighbors

I don't know what it is that draws me to Australian sites and blogs, but I love the stitchery and use of color I see from our Aussie neighbors. I recently came upon a new to me site that is having a wonderful give away at the end of September and it involves NINE different talented ladies.

Among the Gum Trees has 9 talented Australian designers sharing a few of their original and varied designs freely everyones personal use! It is the brainchild of Jenny of ELEFANTZ, who brought together nine established and emerging designers, who offer their own original designs to download free of charge! WOW!!

The Designers are: Cheryl of Willowberry Designs , Dawn of Dawn Hay Designs ,Fiona of Mothers Cupboard , Jenny of ELEFANTZ , Joy of Joypatch , Judith of Creative Studio, Paula of Sew Little Fabric, Vicki of Tozz's Corner, and Vikki of Sew Useful Designs.

Check out their blogs to find out how to get entered in their give-aways and check out their free downloads. They also have wonderful patterns and designs you can purchase from their Etsy shops.

Jenny of ELEFANTZ has a lovely download for some rosebud coasters, but I can see the design used on the top of a pincushion! Another design to add to my long list of things to do! Thank you Jenny!