Such a long time since I've written and so much has happened. We had a wedding on April 25th. My son and his girlfriend got married after a two-week planned wedding. It was beautiful. They were beautiful. It went off without a hitch. Amazing what can be planned in two weeks.
Just before they decided to get married we were in Texas to see our new grandbaby, Lily Harper, born on March 8. What a beautiful baby she is! Mom and Dad are so proud and so are Gramma Fluff and Grampa Todd. Of course, since March she's grown like a weed and daddy Mason says she's laughing and developing a wonderful personality! Hopefully we can go back down to Texas in September or October to see her again.
We've also become gran
dparents to a new puppy dog, named Shooter. DS and new DIL and granddaughter all live with us for now. They decided they needed a dog for when they move into their new home in early June. So to the Humane Society we went and found a beautiful lab/pit bull mix and she is now part of the family. She's four months old, fixed, has a chip, and is just about housebroken. She is soooo sweet.
And of course what is a new household without a new kitten? They also have a new little kitten named Trinity. She's so teeny, but so feisty. She's black and white tiger colored and she must have been the runt of the litter. She loves to lay under your chin and sleep. At night she likes to sleep on your head and beat on your face. And she's not afraid of the dog anymore. Once she's grown a bit larger, I'm sure she and Shooter will have a lot of fun together.
Last but not least, my favorite pasttime is making pincushions (and quilts and aprons, and anything that can be made on a sewing machine!) I recently spent a weekend with my friends on Platte Lake sewing on whatever we wanted to. We also visited many quilt shops in the northern part of Michigan. How wonderful! I finally got to visit Renee's House of Quilting. She has 300 plus bolts of Japanese fabrics (Kona Bay) and I bought a panel of Geisha Girls along with several coordinating fabrics to make a wall hanging. I can't wait to get started on it.
We also had a lovely Tea Party the night we arrived at the cabin and made some wonderful little "Tee" pin cushions. I spied a larger pincushion one of the gals had and she helped me make a duplicate copy using 3 different fat quarters. Isn't it pretty? So simple too!